Thursday, 28 June 2012

breakfast for the soul

  • of course your subuh prayer
  • pages..pages..pages of Holy book
  • hot chocolate
  • tomato...(damn it...this one just out of stock)
  • ILO listing...what to learn today...about life?death?cooking?killing?
  • a view from tomorrow..perhaps you should forecast a little bit
  • adrenalinic songs by dr dre :P:P
  • positive thinking...huahuahua
  • Dhuha
  • get a person to disturb...
  • open the window to allow precious oxy entering your swampy room
  • haters gonna hate...but that's not always the rule;)..forgive..
  • love to make ownselves happy first...
  • what ever atmosphere..:)

i wish to do all of those wonderful things in the morning...i wish...

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

exam's luggage

  1. infinite food supply
  2. food food food
  3. enough paper to make origami kalau dah tepu sgt
  4. enough low rate voip credit to kacau my adik
  5. ink..colours..highlighter..magic pen wat ever...untuk conteng meja di kala bosan
  6. water...sort of dehydrated time2 summer ni
  7. mp3...emergency tool kalau arab bising
  8. distance between the heart to God..paling paling penting~
  9. minyak hijau
  10. flora dan fauna...(fauna x yah kot)
  11. cili,bawang merah,bawang putih,minyak masak,tomato,telur
  12. healthy brain and stomach..erkk
  13. gunting
  14. jam
  15. selimut,kipas,bantal
  16. tido...zZzzzzzz

goodluck to me..zZzzzz


Sunday, 17 June 2012

speed of light

it passes in between two breathes..
never give chance to look back behind..
once let go..
never come back


Thursday, 14 June 2012


if a man expects his woman to be an angel in his life...

then he should first create a heaven for her...


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

the nightingale's dream

 mesmerizing sky...
all the night..
i wish that i'm one of them..


Monday, 11 June 2012

pada suatu hari...

 .:penantian hanyalah waktu :.


ok..tukar topik..

nak define something today..

kawan: ketika panas dan sejuk dia


p/s:fyi..that's Nariman Hospital...for my orthopedic posting..:D



Friday, 1 June 2012