berapa harga yang kau letakkan..
Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 28 December 2012
my simplest form of heaven
are my simplest form of heaven..
alhamdulillah sebab Allah masih beri peluang untuk aku rasa kasih ibu dan ayah sehingga hari ini..
semenjak aku lahir sehingga ke hari ini...aku selalu keluarkan tanda tanya..
kenapa mereka buat begini..kenapa buat begitu..
semuanya kerana sayang...ya..kerana sayang..
kita sebagai anak..kadang kala ada satu perasaan yang ibu bapa kita ni tak amek peduli kita..selalu sakitkan hati kita..selalu pentingkan diri sendiri dalam membuat keputusan..
fitrah seorang anak..normal untuk kadang kala rasa sedemikian..
tapi kita tak tahu..mereka sebenarnya terlalu sangat kasih akan kita dan tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita..cuma kita tak nampak...sebab kita ...ialah anak..
ibu ayah..satu bentuk syurga pada diriku..
kerana apa...kerana redha mereka redha Allah..
mampukah aku cium bau syurga tanpa redha dari mereka..
Allah ada sebab kenapa martabat ibu bapa ini diangkat begitu tinggi...
sebagai anak...carilah redha mereka dalam setiap perkara pun..
walaupun kita akan seringkali terluka..seringkali akan rasa ingin membangkang segala perkara..
tak mengapa...mereka itu syurga kita..
kawan aku pernah pesan pada aku..
walau susah nak patuh kehendak mereka...sebab kita ada keinginan kita sendiri..
tapi patuhilah kerana Allah..
sebab dari situ lahir seribu berkat...dan dari berkat itu..kita akan bahagia dunia akhirat..
memang payah...lagi2 untuk remaja yang meningkat dewasa..seperti aku sendiri..tak lari dengan keinginan aku yang meluap2..aku ingin itu..aku ingin ini...mencorak hidup aku sendiri..
tetapi ibu bapa...Allah sebut tentang mereka...dalam al Quran..
apa lagi yang kita hendak dustakan..
semuanya kalau kita buat kerana Allah...segalanya akan dipermudahkan..
redha ibu bapa...redha Allah
apa lagi yang kita nak kejar di dunia ni...selain redha dari kedua2nya...
apa lagi yang aku mahukan...
ampunkan dosa2ku terhadap mereka..dosa2ku semasa aku kasari mereka dengan sedarku mahupun tanpa aku sedari...kasihi mereka sebagaimana mereka kasihi aku...mereka ibu ayahku dunia akhirat..
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Sunday, 2 December 2012
kau dan aku...kita berbeza..
haha..ops sorry ter euphoric lak tbe2..standard la lately ni...hati bahagia semacam...perasaan yang hebat..aman damai jiwa sentosa..ceh..macam quote kat poster cintai sungai kita pulak..ppfft iklan je...XD
tahukah anda...otak boleh fikir and laksanakan 7 perkara dalam satu masa yang sama...huahuahua..selalunya aku fikir 8 perkara sekali...extra satu tu aku fikir jap lagi nak makan apa..7 lagi tu...huh..ade laa..hehe
sebab itu..nombor telefon ada 7 angka prima...cewah..prima :p
haaa...bukan nak sexist atau racist..tapi satu lagi fakta yang aku rasa jelas dengan biji mata aku yang makin malap ditelan usia's scientific proven k...yakni..perempuan banyak buat kerja harian menggunakan tenaga dari lemak...manakala lelaki derive tenaga dari sel otot...ceh...dengar cam superb je...bagus la kalau lelaki2 di luar sana rase macam superb guna tenaga dari muscle...wekkkk..
walhal...pabila asid amino habis diguna pakai dari otot untuk kegunaan tenaga bagi kaum lelaki...kamu orang curi pula asid amino dari otak kalian..lepas tu otak nak guna apa...isyh3..kesian otak tu..ketandusan..kekeringan...kosong...ppffttt..
huh...manakala kaum sepertiku...sentiasa dan kerap kali guna lemak sebagai sumber tenaga...tak main lah nak guna asid amino ni..yela..mungkin kami tak larat angkat tong drum seperti kaum lelaki...tapi...
kalau dibandingkan...perempuan lepas buat kerja melampau banyak mana pun...kami masih aktif berfikir dan bercakap tanpa henti
we are
patutla...dalam drama2 melayu ke..english suami balik dari kerja..terus melepet atas sofa hadap tv...isteri tanya pendapat.."darl..u think i should beli peti sejuk baru x..."
suami diam je macam kena petit mal...
pastu masuk tidur...kkrroohh..kkrroooh...kroohhhhh
ajaibnyer ciptaan tuhan ni...dan setiap kejadian tu ada significant nyer..:)
ok dah ngantuk...malas nak baca buku dah...
sat...nak sambung sikit..hik3
sat...nak sambung sikit..hik3
si isteri tak tidoq..eyh sal tbe2 kuaq loghat utagha lak isteri meneruskan kerja2 harian seperti sedia maklum...ajar anak2 maths..gosok baju...waaa..non stop...and steady..
but i think it's fair enough..
ada sebab begitu...ada sebab begini..
but i think it's fair enough..
ada sebab begitu...ada sebab begini..
Saturday, 1 December 2012
siang tapi malam
ya Allah..
apakah yang sedang kurasakan ini..
berlari jauh dari mimpi
atau berlari dari realiti..
wajah langsung tak menterjemah rahsia hati
sedangkan diri sendiri masih boleh tertipu
tertipu dengan diri sendiri
tak mungkin...tapi mungkin juga..
siapa yang benar siapa yang khilaf
jantung atau akal
dalam realiti aku bermimpi
dalam mimpi aku mengejar realiti
aku di mana..
ya Allah..
apakah yang sedang kurasakan ini.....
bilakah waktu darahku akan mengalir tenang
bilakah nadiku akan berirama merdu
bilakah nafas tidak lagi terhenti tatkala malam
apakah yang sedang kurasakan ini..
Friday, 30 November 2012
Dear friend...
i'm sorry for being harsh
i'm sorry for loving you not like the way you wish
i'm sorry because i'm not a good friend
i'm sorry for all the patience you had beared
and today you just touch my heart so deeply
and my soul has a reason to smile today
thank you so much
p/s: my friend dunya wal akhirah insya Allah :)
thank you prescribe ubat tu..suke2 :)
Thursday, 15 November 2012
my lateral spinothalamic pathway
satu hari apabila berjalan seorang diri di satu lorong yang sangat gelap.
samar-samar terlihat satu bayangan muncul dari kabus tebal menutup bintang-bintang malam
jantung kencang tatkala diacu bilah tajam tepat ke arah jantung
dalam fikiranku,sakit yang teramat apabila bilah itu ditusuk sedalam-dalamnya
apabila aku sedarkan diri,aku bertanya apa yang terjadi pada hakikatnya
kenapa aku di sini dan kenapa ada parut kesan tikaman pada tubuhku
2 tahun kemudian..
ketika memasak untuk sarapan pagi bersama yang tersayang
"mama...kenapa mama hiris jari mama sekali dengan sayur-sayur itu"
lihat pada tab sinki..ya Allah..darah mengalir seperti pili air terbuka dan lupa ditutup
kenapa aku tak rasa sakit
kenapa aku masih tersenyum
"sayang,mama tak rasa sakit sebab mama pernah rasa sakit yang betul-betul menyakitkan suatu hari dahulu..dan mematikan segala saraf-saraf untuk menerima kesakitan-kesakitan kecil yang akan datang"
memang jantungku tidak seperti dahulu
tetapi aku tak rasa sakit lagi
meneruskan hidup tanpa rasa sakit
dan tak rasa takut lagi
for what that make me scared in my life
is actually a gift for me to walk for another miles further
it's inoculated deeply inside the soul
and make me strong like i was before :)
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you.If you do that, you're in control of your life.If you don't, life controls you."
and the most important..
faith in God is a concept by which we measure our pain..=)
Sunday, 11 November 2012
last drop :)
"but you may hate a thing although that is good for you,
and can be you love a thing which is bad for you
Allah knows,you don't know"
Allah..please don't take this pain away
if it's the only way to gain Your love
then i will bear it
wholeheartedly :)
Friday, 9 November 2012
and the rain falls with me
for what i have to go to sleep
if there are no sweetdreams..
until i find rainbow beyond those cystal drops
slowly it will take me back there
once upon a time..i asked someone..
once upon a time..i asked someone..
"Spirit tu datang dari mana?"
and he answered
"it comes from ur heart"
"May be a drop of ur tears"
"Will be a light of spirit"
masih ingat lagi?
every little strength comes from weakness
Friday, 2 November 2012
exam around the corner..yeay :|
anyhow..dear brain..please be nice.. :P
it's not the time to give up..not yet
even..well..i'm not really passionate in gynaecology and obstetrics..but still i have to try my best kan..
who knows one day surprisingly i become head of obgyn like Dato' Siva :P :P
haha :|
competing era had's about something else :)
hold on..move on
read..and read and read..
and be happy ^_^
never too late kan..lantak pi lah orang nak cakap apa..
wekkkk :P
Thursday, 1 November 2012
my ramora
sometimes i knew it was fake
but i don't care as long as it's a happy day for me..
even it will not lasts..
sometimes i smiled upon lies
i knew it wasn't for real but it tastes like sugar
well..this is life
like you taste some honey with those closed eyes
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Thursday, 4 October 2012
ground zero
fully inoculated..isn't it ?
through the path given by God
terrifically beautiful
it's not that painful..walking on the grass
full of sharpest thorns on the earth
the heart still beating with its most beautiful song
live well soul
twelve spheres are not yet in a line
Thursday, 30 August 2012
day 6
menganalisis pada jarak radius lebih 50 km dengan kelajuan angin melebihi 200 km sejam bersama purata hujan harian 2000 liter sehari..
semestinya gagal itu pasti
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
aku cuba untuk tak jadi stereotype
aku yakin tak semua orang macam tu..
may be dalam 100 ada 99 yang sama..
tapi siapa tahu yang aku jumpa ni adalah yang 1 dalam 100 tu..
Saturday, 28 July 2012
classmates :3
Friday, 27 July 2012
friday babbles
bila baca newsfeed facebook..
suke tengok semangat2 junior yang luar biasa..
junior skola...junior u..junior mana2 je la..
"i will do the best"
"i won't bla bla bla"
"i will this...i won't that"
especially kalau tengok junior first year yang nak masuk second year...
welcome to the "real life"
haha...(sorry la gelak) *~*
but not everyone like me..actually most of them insyaAllah will make it =)
once upon a time...
i was like that too..
i got millions of dreams and aims to achieve in life
i plan to plan...and hoping that all those pretty things that i planned going smooth and sound..
i always imagine that...the path will be straight and i'll walk through without any obstacles
but this is real life..
as time passed by...
everything goes another way around..
it's not the matter of regrets or whatever..
everyone is blessed...but in different ways..
i always say this to myself for self-reassurance..
i screwed my self uncountable times in my life..
i stumbled every step forward i made..
told you..
life is not that i imagined once upon a time..
but today..
even there's so many thorns got stucked in my flesh..
praise Allah for everything..
He actually injected "immunoglobulins of life" in my blood..
if my life was that beautiful...
i'm not myself right now..
at least i can say that...i'm human being..a person...
i wonder why people always say that
"if i get the chance to turn back the time......"
owh..for me...i will NEVER say that...HAHAHA..
enough to live once..=D
rather than to wish upon time's better to pray for better today and future..
A man just got married and was returning home
with his wife.
They were crossing a lake in a boat, when suddenly a
great storm arose.
The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless:
The boat was small and the storm was really huge, and any moment they were going to be drowned.
The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless:
The boat was small and the storm was really huge, and any moment they were going to be drowned.
But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as
if nothing was happening.
The woman was trembling and she said : “Are you not afraid ?
The woman was trembling and she said : “Are you not afraid ?
This may be our
last moment of life! It doesn’t seem that we will be able to reach the
other shore. Only some miracle can save us; otherwise death is certain.
Are you not afraid? Are you mad or something? Are you a stone or
The man laughed and took the sword out of its sheath.
The woman was even more puzzled: What he was doing?
Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck, so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.
He said :” Are you afraid ?”
She started to laugh and said :” Why should I be afraid ?,If the sword is in your hands, why I should be afraid? I know you love me."
He put the sword back and said, : "This is my answer. I know Allah Loves me, and the storm is in His hands SO WHATSOEVER IS GOING TO HAPPEN IS GOING TO BE GOOD.
If we survive, good; if we don’t survive, good ,because everything is in His hands and He will not do anything wrong. "
Allah say’s in the Quran..
"Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not". (2:216)
The man laughed and took the sword out of its sheath.
The woman was even more puzzled: What he was doing?
Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck, so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.
He said :” Are you afraid ?”
She started to laugh and said :” Why should I be afraid ?,If the sword is in your hands, why I should be afraid? I know you love me."
He put the sword back and said, : "This is my answer. I know Allah Loves me, and the storm is in His hands SO WHATSOEVER IS GOING TO HAPPEN IS GOING TO BE GOOD.
If we survive, good; if we don’t survive, good ,because everything is in His hands and He will not do anything wrong. "
Allah say’s in the Quran..
"Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not". (2:216)
Everything happens with you is for GOOD.
p/s:copied pasted..=)
what are they thinking of?!
terkejut bila baru2 ni..ada dekat pasaran..
device for ppuan kencing berdiri..
haih..memang sekarang dah macam2 la
memang semua corruption is stepwise..
mula2 untuk tandas lelaki they create mangkuk tandas berdiri tu..
then for women..this one pulak..
selekeh and...and memang against Islam..
sedangkan lelaki pun agama x kasi kencing berdiri..inikan perempuan..
hello...ada sebab la kenapa agama x kasi kan..
serious la..kalau MALAS sgt....i suggest you device yang bawah ni...
Monday, 23 July 2012
hey guys...
happy ramadhan..again =D
quite bold isn't it...haha
but it depends on your perspectives
i'm attracted about the regard spiritual murder versus physical murder..
for my personal toughts..
if we look at other aspect aside from things like fornication..
this could be also implied in our daily life
the best example is about myself
i loveeee to watch korean's MV so much..
it's undeniably awesome because...well you know =D
for me
"ala...mmg la ppuan tgok ppuan x rase apa la..."
"x de effect pon...lagu pon best je" darkens every corner of my heart bit by bit...
(this is one of example lah...actually there's so many things that can make our hearts darken..)
and yes..another one..
guess many time you should close your eyes if you watch english movies..LOL.
save your closing you must =p
guess many time you should close your eyes if you watch english movies..LOL.
save your closing you must =p
you we feel like...alah...pandang je la..bukan apa sangat pon..
but remember...satan do his job relentlessly...
until he can make us like "lembu kena cucuk hidung"..
as regard spiritual murder...
i agreed what he said..
it's more tragic that physical murder...
it affects our soul..our ibadah..and so on...
it's like a vicious circle.. begins from a very simple ignorance..and it pulls us deep..deep...towards the gravity...and we can't help it...
me just a human being...cannot lari from doing bad things...
but selagi boleh...
i try...we should try...
may be tomorrow we slipped...but stand up again..
for my opinion...
perkara lagho x dosa just sia2 je..
but for me..kalau dah selalu buat..
it gives way for that ugly creature to creep inside your heart
this one is actually for myself..
because i like to watch MV so much..haha..
kpop kot~LOL
but i must kurangkan...
owh yeah...not only kpop...
but also other things...that eventually charcoaling my soul
happy fasting
p/s: listen by yourselves...nak tulis panjang2 malas =P
p/s: listen by yourselves...nak tulis panjang2 malas =P
Saturday, 21 July 2012
strong olecranon
i woke up in the morning...
such glaring vision...
terpelanting serpihan blade kipas jauh ntah kemana...
and my strong olecranon just hurt a little..
instead of hilang blade...nasib baik x cederakan anak mata.. was so close~
warning:bangun tidur jangan terus upgrade speed kipas..lagi2 tgh mamai..haha
happy ramadhan =D
Friday, 20 July 2012
Liebe heute
today is class..serene atmosphere..
today muslims have the first love of Ramadhan for this year
everything is perfect..even the hot climate can't defeat the breezeness of the white hearts,insyaAllah :)
it's 7.04 pm..
we are ready to breath in the night air...
and with the modest iftar...
we thank Allah for all of His Compassion and Love
and such beautiful lantern of Ramadhan..a view from my window =)
what's your diagnosis ?
- patient A
PaCO2 : 50
HCO3 : 40
- patient B
PaCO2 :50
HCO3 :40
- patient C
PaCO2 :15
HCO3 :15
- patient D
PaCO2 :15
HCO3 :15
i love playing with this ....=D
Thursday, 19 July 2012
wash out carbon dioxide
my life ain't so dynamic
orang kata tentang "hijrah"
perpindahan dari satu keadaan atau tempat ke satu yang lain
diam seketika...
dan aku mula menghayati apa konsep "berpindah" itu..
(it's ramadhan..but x kan nak cakap pasal hijrah time maal hijrah je kan.. )
pada mulanya...
aku berfikir..
hijrah ni sesuatu yang macam..
"kalau x pandai cuba jadi pandai"
"kalau x kaya cuba jadi kaya"
"kalau sekian2....cuba jadi sekian2"
aku cuba jadi pandai...
aku cuba tukar segalanya...
kemudian aku mula rasa seperti tiada apa yang berubah..
cuba dan cuba dan cuba...
tiada satu pun yang berubah...
keadaan..semua sama
satu hari rasa macam....
"apa bakti aku pada diri sendiri...."
"kenapa hidup aku statik sepanjang masa..."
"kenapa dugaan yang aku lalui ni...tak nak pergi"
dan pada suati hari ni juga....
aku mula berfikir...
kenapa aku berfikiran sempit selama ni...
dan sebenarnya...
hidup ni tak la statik pun...
semuanya berubah cuma aku yang tak sedar dan kurang bersyukur...
aku tak nampak perubahan tu..
kalau pasal kenapa aku tak leh pandai macam orang lain...
padahal sebenarnya aku merujuk pada result2 aku semase ke semase..
aku nak jadi macam dia..orang tu..orang ni...
padahal Allah tak pandang result...
Allah pandang usaha...usaha kearahNya..
suatu hari aku mula terdetik...
"usaha sungguh2....biar Allah pandang...biar Allah sayang..."
dan pada saat itu...aku mulai rasa hidup aku "bergerak"
tambah dengan rasa bersyukur...
ia gerak lagi laju...
dan aku mula rasa gembira dengan hidup aku...
dan aku faham...
apa yang aku usahakan...dan kepada siapa aku tujukan matlamat hidup ni..
dan apa destinasi yang kita pilih...
itulah hijrah...
dan aku maksudkan kepada semua perkara..
bukan akademik saja(medically obsessed..hahaha)
yang zahir...mahupun yang tersirat :)
dan kalau rasa tersepit dengan masalah...
itu maksudnya...
i'll pray harder..
i'll work on it harder..
dan apa2 pun yang aku lalui...berat mana pun hidup ni...hebat mana pun masalah..
rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah LAGI..HEBAT....
and for what doesn't kills me..makes me stronger..=)
and for what doesn't kills me..makes me stronger..=)
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
today is so so awesome!
because i declare that...
yeay!!!!damn..wanna cry out in happiness..:P
everything going so smoothly today..
no traffic jam...everything is clear...
but the most awesome one is...
no need to queue up to enter the exam...
everything was like fast and soundly..
not to forget about my elective course...
to be honest...i hate it for the first time i saw my name under it...
hate hate hate so much..
but eventually...
God knows better about what i like more than i know..heeee felt like "ala...x mau gi icdl...nak tggu kelas abes.."
the professors...the learning itself...owh my God...
every little piece i can carve the word "awesome"..!! is just awesome...
even it's superduper hot today..
i hope i just burnt calories of fat because i sweat like a pig in that "sauna"..:D price of happiness...
no one can ever ever bargain it..
Saturday, 14 July 2012
banana is yellow..popcorn too
when i go to the right.. a person took my hand and turned me to the left
and again
when i go the left..that same person try to bring me to the right..
define that ;)
Friday, 13 July 2012
Sunday, 8 July 2012
kepada wanita paling cantik yang pernahku kenali..
redhamu..redha Allah..
doa-doa orang lain terhadap diriku tak setanding doa darimu..
patutlah my dad sampai call...along...nape dah lama tak call mama..
someone is missing me lah...:D
rasa macam everytime nak call...rasa macam...even small things pon nak cerita..
"mama..doakan along...along nak exam"
"mama...doakan along...jap lagi nak kuar jalan2.."
"mama...doakan be happy and strong all the time"
"mama..doakan along...along nak sembuh cepat..padahal sakit ulcer mulut je :P "
"mama..doakan along..along tak dapat tdo la arini..terlebih minum kopi"erkkk
"mama...doakan kawan2 along sekali ea..."
gedik kan...sikit2 nak minta mak doakan...
tapi doa mak la paling powerful...kan3..
sayang anak kat mak...tak sama ngan sayang mak kat anak...
kalau rasa cam dah cukup sayang sangat2 kat mak kita...
mak kita lagi sayangkan kita for millions time power squared wat ever infinity...strttrttsttt...(x leh nak digambarkan)
time kita lam perut mak kita...lagi banyak braxton hicks contraction...lagi banyak sayang kita dapat skang tambah lagi untuk yang disebabkan kita...ada yang kena brandt andrew method's like"payah betul nak lahirkan die ni...macam2 technique dah guna...silap tak guna bimanual compression je"
so much much love...kan3...
time kita lam perut mak kita...lagi banyak braxton hicks contraction...lagi banyak sayang kita dapat skang tambah lagi untuk yang disebabkan kita...ada yang kena brandt andrew method's like"payah betul nak lahirkan die ni...macam2 technique dah guna...silap tak guna bimanual compression je"
so much much love...kan3...
cuba buat mak kita senyum hari-hari...cuba2...:)
ya Allah...berkatnya hidup... time untuk for the most handsome guy in the world pulak..:P:P
the missed electron
awesomeness of studying paediatric
rasa tak berapa puas...bukan sebab on scoring those paper..
just cukup ke ilmu yang ditimba untuk jadi doctor yang "package"..
bila ada soalan yang tak berapa nak boleh dijawab...fikir2 balik...this one must be studied can i apply these in life...kalau exam senang pun jawab terketar2..
ok..shut up fana :D
actually everything gone well today..(except for essay paper i sweat so much during answering)..haha
everything gone well...very well..
but i felt somehow strange...
strange feelings that actually dah lame dah rase macam ni...long2 time ago..
the atmosphere changed a little bit today
perhaps i should be adapted to this new plumbum shield wall
till today...i can't see that "eyes"..
owh..dah lama tak makan sup bayam merah...haih...
owh..dah lama tak makan sup bayam merah...haih...
Friday, 6 July 2012
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Friday, 29 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
breakfast for the soul
- of course your subuh prayer
- pages..pages..pages of Holy book
- hot chocolate
- tomato...(damn it...this one just out of stock)
- ILO listing...what to learn today...about life?death?cooking?killing?
- a view from tomorrow..perhaps you should forecast a little bit
- adrenalinic songs by dr dre :P:P
- positive thinking...huahuahua
- Dhuha
- get a person to disturb...
- open the window to allow precious oxy entering your swampy room
- haters gonna hate...but that's not always the rule;)..forgive..
- love to make ownselves happy first...
- what ever atmosphere..:)
i wish to do all of those wonderful things in the morning...i wish...
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
exam's luggage
- infinite food supply
- food food food
- enough paper to make origami kalau dah tepu sgt
- enough low rate voip credit to kacau my adik
- ink..colours..highlighter..magic pen wat ever...untuk conteng meja di kala bosan
- water...sort of dehydrated time2 summer ni
- mp3...emergency tool kalau arab bising
- distance between the heart to God..paling paling penting~
- minyak hijau
- flora dan fauna...(fauna x yah kot)
- cili,bawang merah,bawang putih,minyak masak,tomato,telur
- healthy brain and stomach..erkk
- gunting
- jam
- selimut,kipas,bantal
- tido...zZzzzzzz
goodluck to me..zZzzzz
Sunday, 17 June 2012
speed of light
it passes in between two breathes..
never give chance to look back behind..
once let go..
never come back
Thursday, 14 June 2012
if a man expects his woman to be an angel in his life...
then he should first create a heaven for her...
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Monday, 11 June 2012
pada suatu hari...
.:penantian hanyalah waktu :.
ok..tukar topik..
nak define something today..
kawan: ketika panas dan sejuk dia
p/s:fyi..that's Nariman Hospital...for my orthopedic posting..:D
p/s:fyi..that's Nariman Hospital...for my orthopedic posting..:D
Saturday, 26 May 2012
if only
if you know the difference between hate and pain..
if only you know...
look back deeply...and tell me what is the difference
if only you know...
to define...
tell me..
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Monday, 21 May 2012
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Friday, 18 May 2012
The color of your clothing may also be tiring you out. Dark colors like
black, navy and brown stimulate the secretion of melatonin--the chemical
that makes you sleepy. The good news is that studies show there are
many colors to keep you energized. White clothes suppress sleep-inducing
melatonin and boost serotonin--the feel-good chemical in your brain.
Red is good for an aggressive kind of energy. It's also been shown to
increase blood flow and stimulate adrenal glands. Yellow has been proven
to stimulate the brain, build self-confidence, and encourage optimism.
Friday, 11 May 2012
precious things are not easy to get
it's about the willingness to walk on the thorns
to crawl in the mud
to be burnt by those anger
to sacrifice an ocean of tear
to have faith with every vague hope
to face those fears in every falling leave
to count the hidden pearl in every sunrise
to preserve purity in every sapphire
to preserve purity in every sapphire
because they aren't easy...they aren't...
Sunday, 6 May 2012
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